If you have been on the lookout searching for an alternative way to feed your canine companion, we are so glad you’ve found us!
Our personal journey began a little over eight years ago when we began feeding a raw food diet to our beloved dogs Hercules and Leo.
As the growing number of health ailments were prevalent in our dogs and became more evident the deeper we delved, we realized the direct correlation was due to the poor diet we had been feeding our dogs.
The health issues our dogs and many dogs worldwide are facing has arisen solely due to a poor diet - “commercial grade pet food”.
The Commercial Pet Food industry is not regulated and when many commercial brands were being recalled due to unwell dogs and in some cases, fatal incidents, we decided to create The Rawsome Effect. Our aim is to educate dog owners worldwide about feeding a healthy, balanced and nutritious, species appropriate raw diet.
The research and hard work commenced and soon became a year long exercise of compiling all of the information we could possibly find about feeding raw.
Finding accurate material regarding all the components of raw feeding was near impossible, with so many contradictions, conflicting truths and furthermore - all of this supposed “factual knowledge” and instructions could never be found in the one place.
So, with a passion for change and a huge desire to educate not only ourselves, but others about the real truth of what they are actually feeding their pets, and how we can all do better, it was back to study to become a Certified Raw Pet Food Nutritionist.
With a qualification in “Raw Pet Food Nutrition” this allows us to put all of our hard work and research into helping all dog owners feed what nature intended.
We have learned that our canine companions are searching for something real - a nutrient rich, biologically appropriate diet, just as Mother Nature has always intended!
With one simple question, “what is actually in commercial grade dog food?” we discovered that much of what we’re told about what to feed our pets is based on misleading and sometimes dishonest information.
During our research, we realized that regardless of the brand, type, price or nutritional value of commercially processed dog food – the important nutrients and supplements needed to sustain health in our pets was just not present.
By making the shift to RAW, we became devoted to education and also creating National Research Council (NRC) meal plan recipes that are balanced & nutrient rich using species appropriate focused ingredients.
All of our meal plans are balanced to NRC standards. The NRC provides recommendations for the daily nutrition requirements for dogs and cats. Our NRC balanced meal plans ensure there are no nutritional gaps in your dog’s diet enabling you to feed safely.
Without a doubt, our beautiful pets are far healthier and thriving since we made the switch to RAW.
It’s our dream at The Rawsome Effect to stop the feeding abuse and end this cycle for good. We want to help prevent and reduce cancers, aliments and diseases in our dogs brought on by bad pet food choices.
Our educational raw feeding guides are empowering for all dog owners.
Please help us spread the word and enrich the quality of life for our beloved dog’s worldwide!
it all stemmed from love
If you have been on the lookout searching for an alternative way
to feed your canine companion, we are so glad you've found us!
Our journey began a little over 12 years ago when our founder
Kellie started feeding her dog a raw food diet, now a beloved
18-year-old German Spitz named Hercules.
As a growing number of health ailments were prevalent in
Hercules and became more evident the deeper she delved,
Kellie realized the direct correlation was due to the poor diet she
had been feeding him.
The health issues many dogs worldwide are facing
have arisen astronomically solely due to a poor diet
of "commercial grade pet food".
The Commercial Pet Food industry is not regulated. When many commercial
brands were being recalled due to unwell dogs and, in some cases, fatal
incidents, and now knowing the shocking truth about commercial pet food and
its ingredients, Kellie had to spread the word and decided to create The
Rawsome Effect. Her aim is to educate dog owners worldwide about feeding
a healthy, balanced, nutritious, species-appropriate raw diet.
The research and hard work commenced and soon became a yearlong
exercise of compiling all of the information she could possibly find about
feeding raw.
Finding accurate material regarding raw feeding components was near
impossible, with so many contradictions and conflicting truths. Furthermore,
all of this supposed "factual knowledge" and instructions could never be found
in one place.
So, with a passion for change and a huge desire to educate not only herself
but others about the real truth of what they are actually feeding their pets and
how we can all do better, it was back to study to become a Certified Raw Pet
Food Nutritionist.
With a qualification in "Raw Pet Food Nutrition" and 12 years of raw feeding
experience, Kellie has now put all her hard work and research into helping all
dog owners make better choices and feed what nature intended.
We have learned that our canine companions are searching for
something real, a nutrient-rich, biologically appropriate diet,
just as Mother Nature has always intended.
With one simple question, "What is actually in commercial
grade dog food?" we discovered that much of what we're told
about what to feed our pets is based on misleading and
sometimes dishonest information.
During our research, we realized that regardless of the brand,
type, price or nutritional value of commercially processed dog
food, the essential nutrients and supplements needed to sustain
health in our pets were just not present.
By making the shift to RAW, we became devoted to education and
also creating National Research Council (NRC) meal plan
recipes that are balanced & nutrient-rich using species-
appropriate focused ingredients.
All of our meal plans are balanced to NRC standards.
The NRC provides recommendations for the daily
nutrition requirements for dogs and cats. Our
NRC-balanced meal plans ensure there are no
nutritional gaps in your dog's diet, enabling you to
feed safely.
Without a doubt, our beautiful pets are far healthier and thrive when making
the switch to RAW.
Our dream at The Rawsome Effect is to break the poor feeding cycles so all
dogs get the nutrition they desperately deserve to thrive. We want to help
prevent and reduce cancers, ailments and diseases in our dogs brought on by
bad pet food choices.
Our educational raw feeding guides, dog treat, and
birthday cookbooks are empowering for all dog owners.
Please help us spread the word and enrich the quality of
life for all our beloved dogs worldwide!